MatteiDEV – Realizzazioni degli studenti

Project IPSIA MATTEI ROBOPONG – Robotic trainer for Tennis table


The “IPSIA MATTEI ROBOPONG” is a robotic table tennis trainer, made with recycled or low-cost pieces. The schemes are totally open source, with the precise intent of making it replicable by anyone, especially by young table tennis player. Like all robot trainer of this type, the IPSIA MATTEI ROBOPONG allows you to perform targeted training on particular shortcomings, thanks to the ability to simulate strokes of all types: from the service to the Smash, from the lob to the loop. The name of the project was wanted by the students to underline their scholastic path of Maintenance and Technical Assistance, the IPSIA of the I.I.S. “E.Mattei” of Recanati.

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